You will notice in all of these statements that it is not the thing pursued that is dangerous or sinful, but the priority and passion of the pursuit. They are given to high of a value and thus are pursued wrongly and to excess. Wisdom teaches us to have a value system (heart) that pursues God's priorities and passions. It is a life that is zealous for the fear of the Lord (23:17). It is a heart that applies itself to instruction and listens to words of knowledge (23:12). Revelation of God and a relationship with God guide the pursuits and passions of our heart. Wisdom gives us an appetite and taste buds for godly passions and pursuits.
Think about your day thus far. What was on your mind when you woke up? Have you talked to God and listened for his voice? What goals and plans do you have for the day? Do they include God? Better yet, are they guided and dictated by God? When you eat, work, drink, play, is it done for God and in his way? Passionately pursue God and surely there will be "a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off" (23:18).