"Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord" (17).
Do you have a wise heart or is your heart diseased? I've listed below the signs of heart disease and the characteristics of a wise heart that is zealous for the fear of the Lord.
A Heart Over-dosed on Pleasure
Gluttony (2-3;20-21)
Seek Riches (4-5) Stingy (6-7) Foolishness (9) Envy sinners (17) Drunkenness (20-21; 29-35) Immorality (27-28)
A Heart Zealous for the Fear of the Lord
Applies Knowledge (12)
Applies Instruction (12)
Disciplined (13-14; 23)
Lips that speak what is right (16)
Seeks the right path (19)
Listens (19, 22)
Seeks truth, wisdom, discipline & understanding (23)
Righteous (24)
Obedient (26)