Monday, April 20, 2009

A Rare Commodity

Proverbs 20:6 "Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?"

A faithful man is a man who firmly believes in God and God's ways. His thoughts, words and deeds all attest to his firm conviction that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. His life is consistent with God's truth and directives. He does not waiver from the right path. This kind of man is truly rare.

A wise man is a faithful man. This is the kind of man Proverbs challenges us to emulate. What are the practical signs of a faithful man? He is true to his word. He is dependable. He follows through with his commitments. If he says he will do something, you can count on it being done. Excuses, sloppy schedules, or even forgetfulness are absent from his lifestyle. He does whatever it takes to remember those significant events and people in his life. He is prepared, punctual and persistent.

Above all, he is faithful to God. He does not allow the idols of comfort, sleep, recreation, career, wealth, power, or the desire for acceptance and approval to interfere with his walk with God. The bottom line is that he is full of faith and that faith drives his life to full devotion to God and an unwavering obedience to His directives. This man is truly a rare commodity.

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