Saturday, May 16, 2009

Confident Decisions and Direction

Proverbs 16

How can I be confident in my life's decisions and direction?

1) Realize God is in control of everything and works everything out for his own purposes (1, 4, 9, 33). Whatever path we choose God uses it for his own end (4).

2) When we choose God's way, the path of wisdom and righteousness, the path that pleases him, we will succeed and live a life of peace (3, 7).

3) Be aware that God knows what is in our heart. He knows our true motives, even when we don't (2). This is why it is so important to fear the Lord and to walk in humility (15:33; 16:5).

When we are walking down the path of wisdom we can be confident, as bold as lions, in our decisions and direction. "The path of life leads upward for the wise..." (15:24).

As I face the uncertainties of unemployment, I can be at peace, knowing my life's direction is in his hands. As I trust him and live according to his way, the way of wisdom, there is no way to go but upward.

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