Our responsibility is to listen to correction (13:18; 15:31), even seek it out (15:12), and then apply it to life (9:8-9). Here are three practical suggestions to grow in discipline - look, listen, learn.
1) Look for discipline. Seek it out. Get the council and advice of others. Open up your life to as many trustworthy and wise people as you can. Schedule regular accountability. Ask your spouse if she sees areas in your life that need growth and change. Daily ask God to reveal sin in your life.
2) Listen to discipline. Don't be defensive. When someone corrects you, realize it is for your benefit, no matter how much it hurts. Take time in your life to reflect and think and do self-evaluation. Make solitude and sabbatical time a regular practice in your life.
3) Learn from discipline. It is one thing to recognize an area that needs correction, but it is quite another to make the necessary changes. Change is hard, especially those life long, stubborn habits. This requires regular, consistent discipline. The Bible calls this "training in righteousness". It requires repetition of new information and behavior. It will also require you to monitor, be on the alert, for the encroachment of old, stubborn sinful thoughts and behavior. Learning requires practice, practice, practice - discipline yourself for godliness. Write it down. Say it our loud. Share it with a friend. Ask for God's help and wisdom.
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