Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Flame Throwing Morsal

Proverbs 26:20, 22

Gossip is a flame throwing morsal. It is the fuel that keeps a quarrel burning (20). Gossip is like a choice delicacy (22). It is relished and eagerly devoured. It stimulates the desire for more.

Gossip exposes hurts, weaknesses and vulnerabilities of its victum. It presents information, true or untrue, that is void of its original context and authors. It is often second hand information that loses its accuracy and original intent. It is information without control or restraint. This kind of information is unjust and immoral. It is used to further the interests or benefit the people who are passing on the information without regard to the persons involved.

Gossip is hard to restrain. It makes us feel empowered, in control, "in the know". When the information is damaging, or points out another persons failures, faults or weaknesses, it gives us a prideful buzz. We subconsciously think or feel that we don't have failures or weaknesses and therefore, we must somehow be superior. God must be on our side and blessing us for our outstanding life that doesn't require such discipline to get our attention.

Gossip gives us the power to inflict vindication, to get even, to right wrongs. By its use we are wagging our finger saying, "See, I told you she was a dirty scoundrel. This proves it."

Gossip is a powerful, intoxicating opiate that is extremely addictive. It feeds our lust for knowledge, power and control. Gossip is intensely destructive. It will burn relationships to the ground. Let's douse the flame and brake the addiction of gossip.

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