I have counted sixty verses prior to chapter 25 that refer to our speech. In this chapter there are ten verses. What we say or don't say is crucial to a wise walk.
Here is what chapter twenty-five says about the talk of the wise walk. Maintaining confidentiality is crucial to your own reputation (9-10). Words spoken in an appropriate way and at the appropriate time are of high value (11). Pay attention to words of rebuke from a wise person. They have great value (12). Someone who accurately represents your words is appreciated (13). Our words should not boast what they can't deliver (14). Gentle words have great power and can penetrate deeply (15). When we say things that aren't true about someone who is close to us it is like assaulting that person with a weapon. You are treating them like an enemy (18). Our words should be sympathetic with those who are hurting (20). Unexpected, hurtful words cause a strong reaction (anger) to the hearer (23). Don't quarrel with your wife. It is dangerous (24).
This chapter concludes with a verse about self-control. A person who lacks self-control is defenseless against temptation. We must have self-control for our words to be under control.
The things that control us, our emotions, our environment, etc., cause us to say inappropriate words. What is controlling you? What is out of control in your life? What are you struggling to rein in? Here are some possible culprits.
- lust
- spending
- weight gain
- frustration with our job
- frustration with our marriage
- hurts, wrongs, disappointments
Remember the core message of Proverbs: Get wisdom, knowledge, understanding. Fear the Lord. Get these things and you will get control of your life and your tongue.
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