We are given two examples of a stuck person in Proverbs 6:1-11. The first makes a financial and verbal commitment that is rash, impulsive and risky (1-2). This entraps him to the consequences of his poor decision. The second example is one who does nothing. He is like a sluggard. He can't or wont make decisions and commitments (6-11). This seems like the easy route, but quickly leaves this person empty, robbed of God's best.
What do you do if you've made a foolish commitment or a poor decision? Perhaps you've purchased a car or home you can't afford, or committed to a job that has robbed you of precious family time, or volunteered to do something beyond your ability to deliver. The wise person will make every attempt to free himself (v.3). This will take humility -- "Go and humble yourself; press your plea with your neighbor". You are admitting you made a stupid decision. We are then encouraged to act swiftly -- "Allow no sleep to your eyes" (v.4). And with great intensity, like a wild animal caught in the hands of a hunter (v.5). Your life is on the line, so move.
For the person caught in his inability to make decisions, to move forward and change the status quo, learn from the ant. The ant is an example of unsupervised, uncoerced self-discipline. Without any outside leadership or pressure, this tiny creature gathers and stores provisions for the more difficult days ahead. When we are stuck in life, whether by our own foolish decisions or our own laziness and lack of self-discipline, the wise course of action is to humbly admit our condition and then get to work. Just start moving in the right direction. Take responsibility for the future.
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