Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where do we find Lady Wisdom?

Proverbs 8

"Blessed is the man who listens to me (Lady Wisdom), watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord" (34-35, italics mine). "...wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her" (11).

If my life and the favor of the Lord depend on my pursuit and discovery of wisdom, I better know where to find her. So I ask, "Where do we find Lady Wisdom?".

1) Wisdom is found at the point of decision. "On the heights along the way, where the paths meet,...beside the gates leading into the city, at the entrances" (2). These are markers, intersections, and entrances where decisions are made. These are places that are both prominent and important for direction and progress. Wisdom intersects at these points of decision which impact the progress, momentum and direction of our life. Wisdom calls out at these crucial junctures of life. Will we recognize her? Will we listen to her?

2) Wisdom is found when we listen. How do I know if I'm opening the door to Lady Wisdom?

Are you listening? "Listen to my instruction and be wise, do not ignore it" (33; also v. 1, 4, 6, 32-34). Listening requires patience, humility, and a relinquishing of control. When we are truly listening we are saying, "These words, and the person speaking them, have value". Listening is an act of love. Listening is also an act of surrender. I am surrendering my right to be heard. I am yielding to anther's voice. I am saying, "Your input is more important than what I have to say at this time".

What are evidences that you are listening? You are a person that seeks the counsel of others. You are a person that asks God for direction. These are the kinds of things found in your life: you read and meditate on the Scriptures, read good books, down load sermons, you are involved in small groups, have serious accountability with other men, let your wife talk while you have eye contact, you listen for God's voice through fasting. You are a person that values solitude with God.

3) Wisdom is found when we wait. "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting daily at my doors" (34, italics mine). The wise pursuit is one of patience and trust. A wise person plans and takes action, but these actions come only when Lady Wisdom has clearly spoken. Her directives make us bold as lions. But the lion first listens, then leaps.

4) Lady Wisdom has her companions. Where you find her you will find these companions: instruction (10), prudence (12a), knowledge and discretion (12b), the fear of the Lord and a hatred for evil (13), counsel, sound judgment, understanding and power (14), righteousness and justice (20). Seeks these and you will find Lady Wisdom.

5) Lady Wisdom is found in God. "The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works" (22). Know God and His directives and you will find Lady Wisdom.

When you find Her you also find true life and the favor of the Lord. This is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with Him.

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