Monday, May 4, 2009

Fully Engaged on the Journey

Proverbs 4

This chapter continues with wise instruction from a father to his son about life's journey. We see the journey metaphor in words like path (11, 14, 18, 26), way (11, 14-15, 19), walk (12, 15), steps (12), run (12), travel (15) and foot (14, 26-27). As in any journey, especially one that is marked by unknown hazards and new territory, you need to be fully engaged. Notice the body parts that indicate complete engagement: heart (4, 21, 23), foot (14, 21-27), ears (1, 4, 10, 20), eyes (21, 25) and mouth (24).

This is a serious journey with eternal ramifications. Am I fully engaged in the direction and details of my life's course? Do I have a thorough plan? Or, am I traveling aimlessly? Do I have all the knowledge needed to take the right steps and turns along the path? Am I conferring with my Guide, my Map, and my travel partners for insight, encouragement, and directional coordinates and corrections? How serious am I taking this journey? Is my heart fully engaged (4, 21, 23)?

Every time you take a step today, let it be a physical reminder of your spiritual journey. Make sure every step is a wise step. Attach that step to your eyes, ears, mouth and, above all, to your heart. Is this step taking me closer to right living? More importantly, is it taking me closer to the Righteous One who leads me down paths of righteousness? When you are going in the right direction you will discover that your steps are His steps. You will be in sink with His heart and in love with Him and His people. Are your steps getting closer? It starts with one fully engaged step in the right direction. His direction.

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