Saturday, May 9, 2009

Head for Her House: God is There

Proverbs 9

The two "women" personified as wisdom and folly, have positioned themselves at the highest point of the city, where they can best get our attention. They are calling us down a path to their house. Lady wisdom offers a way that is rewarding (12) and will add years to your life (11). The woman folly also offers reward (17) but at the end her guests are in the depths of the grave (18).

Any sane person would look at these options and say, "This is a no brainier. Why would anyone choose the way of folly?" But in reality, foolishness is very deceptive (18), inviting (17) and in many ways looks comparable to the way of wisdom (17). You'll notice that both women are offering food and drink (compare vv. 2 & 15 with v. 17), Both are vying for our attention in an aggressive way (3-4, 14-16). S0, why the allure? Why do we struggle in our pursuit? Lady wisdom gives us some insight.

First, we lack judgement (4). We are not able to clearly discern between the right and wrong path. We are not able to see the subtle and incremental directional shifts caused by our decisions. Our life is full of choices, each one moves us down one of two paths - the path of wisdom or the way of the fool.

We also lack understanding. Lady wisdom challenges us to "walk in the way of understanding" (6). To understand something requires discipline and instruction (8-9). Is this description of the path of life we are on? Do we open our lives and allow others to challenge us, hold us accountable and to rebuke us when we are off course (7-8)? Are we receiving instruction? Do we read, study, seek counsel and listen to instruction (9)? Are we learning (9)?

When you understand the implications of your decisions and you are able to judge the best course of action, you are headed down the path of wisdom. But where is this path headed? What gives us the motivation and drive to continue down this path? Central to this journey is the fear of the Lord and knowledge of the Holy One (10). This speaks to our relationship with God. He is on the journey with us and the journey leads to His home. Do we have a daily, intimate walk with Him? Do we love Him? Out of this relationship we respond to who He is. He is the path and the destination. He is the sustenance along the way. He gives us our coordinates and courage. He is our partner and our power. He is our King and reward. He is our Judge and Advocate.

Let's head for His house (1a). It is perfect in every way (1b). And best of all, He is there.

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