Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today is Exam Day

"For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths" (Proverbs 4:21).

God is not a distant, casual observer of our life activities. He is not like the IRS who picks and chooses random or suspicious people for audit. Nor is he like a busy parent, juggling a multitude of responsibilities while parenting several small children. This is the Creator God of the universe we are talking about. He is always present and knows every detail of our lives - past, present and future. Not only does he know but he examines all our ways. He puts everything we do and say and think to the test. Will our lives pass the test? He is looking for a certain standard. He wants nothing less than an "A" grade from each of us.

When we know we are going to be graded, inspected or held accountable, we live differently. We are at our best. We give more. We are more attentive, focused and driven. We have a heightened sense of awareness and expectation. Our lives are characterized by discipline, hard work, quality, enthusiasm, integrity, honesty, responsibility and all the qualities of the way of wisdom. Time is no longer a cheap commodity. Drifting aimlessly through life is not tolerated. We have goals and deadlines, priorities and pursuits. Life becomes ordered and organized.

When what we do is in full view and is being examined, we place a higher value on our activities, actions and attitude. Are we using our time wisely? Are we investing in the right things? God sets the standard of what is right and best. Are we living out his agenda, his kingdom values, his eternal purposes?

We tend to live as if exam day is down a distant road, far from view. God wants us to live each day, each moment, with a conscious awareness of his watchful eye. Today is exam day. Will we pass the test?

A postscript to this blog entry is appropriate. After I wrote the first part of this entry I realized that it portrayed a lopsided view of God. What I have written so far portrays God has a harsh teacher who is standing over us with a red correction pen and a long stick. God is our judge but he is also our loving provider. He is watching us, not to condemn us, but to reward us. He wants us to get an "A" on the exam. Better yet, he has already taken the test for us and has passed the course. Through Christ he has satisfied the requirements for our graduation into His presence. He watches and examines because he wants us to live in close relationship with him, and to receive the benefits of that relationship. He wants us to live like the honor students he created us to be.

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